Welcome to your new ESL blog where learning english has never been so easy and so fun!!!!!

This blog was designed especially for you. You student at the ENGLISH FOR KIDS COURSE. The purpose of this blog is that you can have extra practice at home of the topics you are looking at in the course. Besides, you will find lots of extra material such as videos, songs, worskheets and so much more, that will help you practice your english in an enjoyable way.

jueves, 20 de septiembre de 2012

It is time to check how many verbs you know so far. So have fun playing this game.
Try to match the verbs with the right action and then see what happens.

Vocabulary games by EnglishFlashGames.blogspot.com
Copia los verbos en tu libre y escribe oraciones utilizando los pronombre I, YOU, HE, SHE, IT, y agrega un complemento que se adecúe a la oración. Ejemplo:
I write a letter
You write an e-mail
She writes on the board
He writes beautiful poems
It writes its name

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